Inner Child Healing
Inner child work, also referred to as inner child healing, is a way to address our needs that haven't been met as children and heal the wounds we've developed. We all have a younger part of ourselves that was "never quite loved the right way or the way they needed as a child,"
By healing our inner child, we begin to create the safety and security our younger selves have always needed. By doing so, the positive traits of our inner child have room to shine. We unlock our natural gifts, our inner curiosity, and our limitless capacity to love.
On the other hand, when we avoid addressing our past hurts and feel alone with them, they transform into behaviours destructive to ourselves and our environment, such as workaholism, alcoholism, or racism.
For us to be fully human,
the Child Within must be embraced and expressed.
Finding my Inner Child
Discovering Your Inner Child
How do we know that our Inner Child is present ? When w have feelings. The Inner Child is the emotional self. IT is where our feelings live. When you experience joy, sadness, anger, fear, or affection your Child Within is coming out. When you are truly feeling your feelings you are allowing your Inner Child to be. After discovering and experiencing your Child Within, these methods are used to re-parent yourself; Drawing , Writing, Play ,Movement , Drama.
Meeting Your Inner Child
The first thing is trust-building. As you learn to re-parent yourself, you can build trust by approaching the Inner Child with respect, acceptance, open-mindedness, and love. This is a child you are meeting. Let it feel and speak as a child. Let it draw and write like a child. Respecting your Inner Child means allowing it to be whatever it is.
Embracing Your Vulnerable Child
We enter the world as vulnerable infants- helpless and dependent on adults for getting all of our needs met. We need to be nurtured, protected and loved, both emotionally and physically. A vulnerable child is extremely sensitive to the environment. It feels the energy of others. It tunes into their real selves, especially their unexpressed thoughts and feelings. The Vulnerable Child needs to feel safe to come out, first with us and then with others who treat it with care.
Accepting Your Angry Child
Anger is a natural reaction to mistreatment. Anger can be an important survival tool. When a child has been mistreated, criticized, shamed, punished., or ostracized, it is natural for it to feel some anger. If we were not allowed to express our anger in safe ways, if anger was forbidden or considered dangerous, then our Angry Child probably went underground. Anger that goes underground often hides out in the body: headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and other conditions have been associated with anger that is held in.